Basis of Union
Three denominations came together in 1977 to form the Uniting Church in Australia. The Basis of Union is the document that set the platform for how these churches came together. It outlines the roles of the different councils of the Church including the presbyteries, the synods, and the Assembly.
It states the central affirmations of the Christian faith and is a guide to what is central in the life of the Uniting Church.
The Basis of Union Revised 1992 EditionThe historic text of the Basis of Union was prepared at a time when the desire for gender-inclusive language was only just emerging. By the early 1990s there was a need to re-examine the language and the Assembly Standing Committee approved the publication of the 1992 edition, which incorporates relatively conservative changes to the language of the Basis, while seeking to retain its meaning.
It states the central affirmations of the Christian faith and is a guide to what is central in the life of the Uniting Church.
The Basis of Union Revised 1992 EditionThe historic text of the Basis of Union was prepared at a time when the desire for gender-inclusive language was only just emerging. By the early 1990s there was a need to re-examine the language and the Assembly Standing Committee approved the publication of the 1992 edition, which incorporates relatively conservative changes to the language of the Basis, while seeking to retain its meaning.